Sunday, April 1, 2012

Easter Holy Week: Palm Sunday

Without any doubt, Easter is just around the corner, and we have come into Holy Week. It first starts off with Palm Sunday. This is the day where Jesus triumphantly enters Jerusalem, and the people of the town puts up their clothes (and palms) on the road for Him and the donkey.

The fun truth about this event, got to be the donkey. Why Jesus choose donkey instead of horse? Wouldn't people laugh at Him? Well, donkey is well known for its stupidity. But it was all because of its loyalty to its master, always do what it was told to do.

Besides that, Jesus was showing that He is humble. And also, donkey symbolizes peace, which in this event, Jesus came into Jerusalem with Peace. Remember, He is the Prince of Peace.

Not only on that day, but NOW! He wants to come into our heart with peace; and believe me, this 'peace' is still available to us. But have you prepare your heart to receive Him? To receive peace?

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