Thursday, October 20, 2011

Find The Right Person. Be The Right Person.

We are constantly told that we could find that right person, so we keep on choosing on our own. Or we were told that we could wait for that right person to come in our lives. So we just keep waiting and waiting, while doing nothing.

But truth is, it isn't the right thinking. We are just too blinded when it comes to love / like / admire. Aren't we constantly seeking what we desire. Think about it: What defines "right person"? What you like? I don't think so!

Now since it doesn't work out, it's best to start off with what God desires for us. And for that we have to trust God and build on our own character. Instead of being a sitting duck. Start to build your character as the foundation of your love.

What are those characters? We could find them in 1 Corinthians 13 : 4 - 7
1. Patient
2. Kind
3. NOT jealous / boastful / proud / rude
4. DOES NOT demand its own way
5. Keeps no record of being wronged
6. DOES NOT rejoice about injustice, BUT rejoices whenever the truth wins out
7. Never gives up
8. Never loses faith
9. Always hopeful
10. Endures through every circumstances

Build your character right and then find be the right person. Let God do the finding.


  1. This is a great post. My wife often says she prayed for the perfect man for many years, and then felt like God asked her if she would be worthy of such a person, and she started focusing on being better herself. I'm definitely not the perfect man, but my wife is pretty outstanding considering the change she made in seeking to being.

    God bless, and keep writing!

    Manifest Blog

  2. Hi there Steve, seems like you have gotten yourself a "treasure" =)

    God bless you and your family!
