Monday, May 23, 2011

Palm Tree & Cedar of Lebanon

"But the godly will flourish like palm trees and grow strong like the cedars of Lebanon. For they are transplanted to the Lord’s own house. They flourish in the courts of our God. Even in old age they will still produce fruit; they will remain vital and green. They will declare, “The Lord is just! He is my rock! There is no evil in him!”" - Psalm 92 : 12 - 15

After I read these verse, I realize there must be some features from palm trees and cedars of Lebanon that we can learn.
 Let's look at PALM TREE:
1. Flourish at desert
A palm tree can survive in a desert, because its root goes deep into the ground searching for water.
As a Christian, we should also be rooted deep in the Word of God, also in our relationship with God. So that when we are in a "desert-like" / harsh environment, we will still be able to survive. But not just surviving, we must flourish. It means we shine in the darkness.
2. Withstood the storm
In a desert, sandstorms will be inevitable. A palm tree will be bend down, but every time the storm is over, it gets back up again.
A Christian should be strong to withstood any problems. And stand back up every time. Be encouraged!
3. Fruits' sweeter over age
As a palm tree gets older, the fruits its produced gets sweeter and sweeter.
As our walk with God gets longer, we should produce a sweeter fruit. So that through us, people will be rejoiced and recharged.

Let's look at CEDAR OF LEBANON:
1. Tall and Magnificent
Cedar of Lebanon can grows up to 40 Meters, and it grows wider as well.
A Christians should grow, upwards in our spiritual life and sidewards in our mentality. So that we would not fall down when a problem strikes.
2. Long living
A cedar of Lebanon could live up to a 1,000 years.
Of course I'm going to tell you to live up to 1,000 years. But let our legacy be remembered for a thousand years. Let us contribute to the society, and shows that we really care.
3. Useful
A cedar of Lebanon can used differently, in a building, in a furniture.
A Christian should also be multipurposed. Let us do our work with great attitude, and give our best shot everyday of our life.

Both these trees are actually evergreen. Which means their leaves will always be green. We must not lose the fire burning in us, because the Passion that keeps us going never died.


  1. Thank you for this word and explanation. Very uplifting and encouraging! I pray to the Lord to keep on inspiring you and using you with His word every day of your life. Keep up the good work! Lover of God and His Word...

  2. Thank you for the comment. That's really encouraging =)

  3. Thank you. Sometimes we have no idea when the seeds we sow yeild a harvest. God bless you.

  4. Thank you for that study,it really helped me. God bless.

  5. Thank you for these words. They are very encouraging for me. :)

  6. Am encouraged and pray that God will help me to acquire those attributes day by day

  7. Thank you . am recharge to hold on

  8. This is an amazing piece. I’m blessed. Thank you

  9. Thanks for this information. It creates a picture of christian growth

  10. Todah!Blessings again and aigain!

  11. Am so much blessed with this word 9f faith from you beloved. More grace, more wisdom, signs and waders in your life, to continue with the good work of tze ministry by the power of the Holy Spirit, in Jesus name!!!

  12. God bless you for this piece. Very educative and inspiring
